
2018-12-14 12:20:17

Shadowba is doing winter campaign and etc.Shadowverse Rank Match
After the first race Attack
Exchange Gormille and apostle, Keep your friends
I became a goblin and a dragon friend.
Goblin takes out, Phil Rain will be served too.
Punching with goblin believers (4 th)
Succeeded to evolve for apostolic processing
We handled 44 guys by breath. I hit two points and give out a dragon.
If I had evolved something else, I was stuffed with Elf's good cockroach ... I thought that Forte came and won. Gaba victory as usual.
Dogs ... I wanted you to see Tomoe instead of being a child ...
Well not a bad tag with the Goblin Phil Rain apostles on the 2nd race exchange of 2 sheets.
Your opponent is also like FD.
Islay evolved.
It can not move just by removing the isla. Chagrin.
I caught you with a follower follower combo.
Because it arranged a lot, 8 points with Aina.
Victory on Forte on the next turn. First birthday.
11: 14 minutes.
The 3 rd Elves First Epistle Ivory apostle.
The followers are also removed.
Punches with an ivory goblin apostle.
6 points together with the second apostle's flame nail
Take out 3 orca.
Wild beast wandering and stimulant party




