
2019-04-13 23:21:53

Ben Sinclair, I might know about hypothetical scenarios.

Answered Mar 22, 2016 · Author has 1.9k answers and 2.2m answer views

You'll have to be careful of the ground. What's most likely is that you'll get small slivers of glass in your feet. I used to get these all the time (though rarely after my feet toughened up).

You'll have to be careful not to fall over. Road surfaces are unforgiving to naked flesh.

You have to be more conscious of the weather. In very hot summers, the road surface can get painfully hot and tacky, if not actually start to melt, and this can hurt more than you might think because little gobs of goo stick to the soles of your feet and come along for the ride.

You have to be aware of where you're going. You don't want to bump into things or end up somewhere tired out with no money to get home except by, you know, running back the other way.

You have to be aware of local laws (or sometimes religious rules masquerading as laws)

You have to be aware of other people and how they might react. If it's not a nakedness-friendly area then you might face hostility from other members of the public.

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